Why You Shouldn't Start Dieting on Monday

So maybe you had a few too many drinks on New Year's Eve, stayed up way past your bedtime, and wake up feeling like shit. So you think to yourself, "Well, it's already Wednesday, I might as well just start my diet on Monday." Sound familiar?

Lets first think about what being healthy really means to you. What is health? Now go ahead, think about this for a second and then come back to this blog post.

Okay, whatever definition you created, guess what? You are right! There is no wrong answer to this; it's very bio-individual. If you have struggled with losing weight year after year, I am here to tell you that from experience, what you're doing isn't working, and it's most likely not going to start working on Monday.

When it comes to our health, there is no wagon. The all or nothing approach can lead to bad relationships with food, body image issues, and weight gain. Living a healthy lifestyle is something that can be attainable and sustainable. Unfortunately, it's not glamorous. You can't find it in a diet pill, a magic powder, or a one-size-fits-all diet program. It is actually completely free, but it takes work. EVERY SINGLE DAY!

We have so much food at our disposal, yet as a culture, we have so many health issues and nutrient deficiencies. This is because we are malnourished. Diets focus on the food groups you should be taking out. With my clients, I like to focus on what we can add-in to create nourishment in the body. Any diet you do will most likely show you some short term results. But what about five years from now, ten years from now? It's so important to be truly in tune with your body so that you can give it what it needs every single day. Of course, for certain health issues such as autoimmune, specific diet protocols need to be put into place.

If you eat from a place of hate, you're hindering your future progress. But when you work from a place of love and peace, you naturally want to provide your body with things like sunlight, activity, sleep, and much more. So what can you start doing right now to feel at your best? I would suggest you start diving deep into what I like to call your "Primary Foods." I'm going to ask you some questions, and let's take a look at some of these and see where you might need some improvement.

Do you have a job you enjoy?
Do you get 7-9 hours of sleep every night?
Do you have toxic people in your life?
How are your relationships?
Do you implement stress management techniques daily?
How is your activity level?
Have you gotten blood work done in the last 12 months?
How is your water intake?

Take the main focus off of diet and exercise and start right here! Everything else will fall in line, take it day by day, step by step. I recommend that you make yourself weekly or monthly goals; doing this will help you feel a sense of accomplishment. Don't worry about tomorrow; focus on the now and start to implement good habits into your daily routine. You're going to have good days, and you're going to have some bad days. This is called being human. It's not that one cupcake or that one glass of wine or that one night of inadequate sleep. It's a combination of bad habits repeated over and over again. The biggest thing is being consistent.

Being solely focused on aesthetics isn't enough. Willpower is not the issue here. If you are struggling, I don't want you to live this way anymore. It's incredibly hard. I want you to know that I am here to hold your hand all of the way.

If you have found this helpful, please share it. Email me to set-up your free 30-minute consultation, monthly Health Coaching Programs available.

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