Sleep and Stress Management
With how fast paced society is today, it is easy to get overwhelmed and feel anxious, stressed, and tired. Sleep and stress are detrimental to our health and are two of the primary foods that I focus on with my clients. Below are some helpful tips that will help you to reduce stress and get better quality sleep.
1. Turn off all electrical devices an hour before bed and an hour upon waking. Turn wifi off as well when going to bed and turn your phone on Night-shift after dark.
2. Minimize processed food.
3. Read the book "Sleep Smarter" by Shawn Stevenson.
4. Keep a Himalayan salt lamp and an essential oil lamp in your room. Your bedroom needs to be 100% namaste. Keep work out of your room, allow only play and relaxation.
5. Read 10-minutes a day.
6. Meditate daily (A meditation app favorite is called Headspace, and it's FREE).
7. Keep a small notebook by your bed so you can write down everything you need to accomplish the next day, so it's not on your mind the night before.
8. Use a topical Magnesium creme before bed (on the bottoms of your feet is best).
9. Soak in a hot Epsom bath for at least 20 minutes before bedtime. (Lavender or Himalayan salt work great).
10. Create built-in alone time daily.
11. Find work that you love.
12. Get a pet.
13. Walk a minimum of 20-minutes a day. Walking just 20-minutes can lower cortisol levels by 100%!
14. With Doctor's approval, try adding in adaptogens such as Ashwagandha, Rhodiola, Holy Basil, Milk Thistle, Rosemary, Astragalus, and Licorice Root.
15. Minimize household and environmental toxins.
16. Create weekly goals for yourself. This will help boost your confidence.
17. Journal often.
18. Detoxify by getting a massage, floating, or sit in a sauna.
19. Distance yourself from negative people.
20. Have orgasms...regularly.