Spices Bring Everything Together

Cooking is not something that came naturally to me. Although my mom cooked most of our dinners growing up, I was never really taught how to cook. Learning to cook and pair foods took a lot of trial and error, and now I've got it down to a science. I enjoy cooking; it's therapeutic for me. I know myself, and if a recipe has more than five ingredients, I am probably not going to make it. Sound familiar?

Studies show that those who cook meals at home save more money than those who eat out and are overall healthier. Unfortunately, nearly 75% of Americans eat out during the week compared to 5% just a few decades ago. When going out to eat, you don't know the actual amount of calories you're consuming. Let's not forget about the vegetable oils, preservatives, and refined sugars that can be hidden in your food.

So today, I want to provide you with a simple recipe that you can make at home.


1 Bag of defrosted rice cauliflower

1 cup of @goodfoods or @seite dairy-free queso

1/2C sliced Vidalia onions

1/2C peperoncini's

1 TBL of Avocado Oil or Avocado Spray

1 TBL @code3spices "Everything Blend."

1.) In a skillet, add avocado spray and set on medium heat.

2.) Add in pepperoncini's and onions, cook for 5-minutes.

3.) Now add the riced cauliflower and frequently stir for 10-minutes.

4.) Add queso and let cook for another 3-5-minutes.

5.) Turn off the skillet and let cool for 3-5 minutes.

Pour vegetable mixture in a bowl and top with @code3spices seasoning to add that extra kick. The total cooking time is about twenty minutes, and this is a great way to get your veggies in. This recipe pairs well with bbq, potatoes, and even rice! Summertime and warm weather is the perfect time for BBQing. If and when you make this beautiful dish, be sure to share the pic. I love food!

Emily ZwillingComment