Three Reasons Why You Are Hungry all of the Time

Do you ever feel like the hangry cookie monster? A prime example of this is eating a meal and, thirty minutes later, feeling hungry again.  Studies estimate that people think about food over 200 times a day, that's a lot of thought space devoted to food.

Listen up; I'm going to tell you something most don't's, not willpower. Yes, you heard that right, so quit telling yourself that you're a failure. Your body is talking to you; all you have to do is listen to it. If you feel like a bottomless pit, these are a few of the things I would consider:

1.) Your hunger hormones are not regulated. You have two hunger hormones called Leptin and Ghrelin. When you think of Ghrelin, think about your tummy, growling for food "Ghhhrrrr." Ghrelin is a peptide hormone, and it does exactly what it sounds like; it stimulates the appetite. Leptin, the protein hormone, is produced by fat cells (adipose tissue), and it does the opposite of Ghrelin. It signals the brain to tell you that you're full and to stop eating. Some ways to keep these two hormones in check:

-Reduce stress.

-Get your sleep.

-Reduce refined carbohydrates.

-Reduce overall processed food intake.

-Eat a balanced ratio of protein, carbs, and fat in each meal.

-Drink plenty of water.

2.) The majority of the time, your body is sympathetic and less in a parasympathetic state. Both systems are the two main parts of the autonomic nervous system. The sympathetic nervous system is your body's "fight or flight" response. The parasympathetic nervous system is responsible for controlling homeostasis and the body's "rest and digest" response. Ways to lower your cortisol and adrenaline and minimize your fight or flight response:

-Lower stress levels(this is key).

-Workout regularly, or take a twenty-minute walk daily.

-Eat slowly.

3.) Your body is malnourished. 

I know this sounds crazy at first with all of the food options we have available. But you can eat excess calories, yet be malnourished. Your body needs a variety of micronutrients, phytonutrients, vitamins, and minerals. Your body is talking to you all the time, sometimes in subtle ways like hunger or alarming ways such as digestive issues. It needs quality macronutrients and a variety. 

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