Perfect or Healthy?
Do you want to be perfect, or do you want to be healthy? This is such an amazing question I heard Angela Brown ask. I urge you to ask yourself the same question. It's incredible how many people come to me for specific results and say that they want to look like so and so.
After working with clients for over fifteen years, I have found that when you have a better relationship with yourself, you will have a better relationship with food. I have witnessed this in my own life, as well.
I think back to when I was competing in Powerlifting. The sacrifices I made for the sport. Working out was almost a full-time job. I missed out on events and dinners, brought my foods with me everywhere, and isolated myself. I did this for the love of the sport. At the time, it was all worth it to me, until it wasn't. I realized that it wasn't making me happy anymore. My relationships were struggling; my career was put on the wayside, lost my period, and suffered from body dysmorphia. Sure, I was strong as hell and had abs, but for what price? I was in denial about it, but I was clinically unhealthy.
From my own experience, I want to remind you that you can be healthy and happy, without a cost. Chasing perfectionism is an endless battle that will always leave you unsatisfied and unfulfilled. Start working from the inside out.