Is Gluten Bad For You?

Going through the bread aisle is not only confusing, but it can be extremely disappointing. To make things easier, I think it’s best to understand it. First off, grains are the seeds of the grass family. The grain itself has three parts to it:

1. Bran-Fiber(slows down the digestion of the carb).
2. Endosperm-Starch(energy stores of the plant).
3. Germ-Contains nutrients such as Vitamin B, Vitamin E, minerals, magnesium, and protein.

Most wheat today is made from dwarf wheat, which contains more gluten(a thickening agent) and more starch than the grains that our grandparents used to eat. It is dosed with a chemical herbicide called glyphosate aka Round-up. Glyphosate has been linked to multiple health issues and is completely banned in Europe(due to those health issues, they don’t see it fit for human consumption).

When reading the ingredients on a bread label, you may see words like “refined,” “enriched,” or “bleached.” Don’t let this fool you; this is white bread with some added vitamins and fiber. Those words are a friendly reminder that they stripped the grain of all of its nutrients(bran and germ) and left the starch(increases blood sugar levels).

Should you avoid bread? Well, not entirely! While it’s best in moderation, I suggest switching to a healthier option like a sprouted bread(the seed remains intact with of its parts)or you could switch to a fermented bread like sourdough. If you suffer from any auto-immune diseases, I would suggest removing bread completely.

Emily ZwillingComment