50 Ways to Create a Happier & Healthier Life

1. Read 30 minutes daily or 10 pages.

2. Pet animals regularly.

3. Meditate

4. Eat the foods you enjoy.

5. Learn to cook.

6. Listen to Podcasts or Audiobooks.

7. Sleep 7-9 hours a day.

8. Walk a few minutes after each meal.

9. Don’t argue with strangers.

10. Learn not only to communicate well but listen.

11. Make sure your Night-shift is turned on, on your phone after dark.

12. Turn off all electronic devices an hour before waking and an hour before bed.

13. Stand up for yourself.

14. Fail forward.

15. Create a Powerlist to stop procrastination.

16. Lift heavy.

17. Get a Himalayan salt lamp for your home.

18. Get an Essentials oils lamp for your home.

19. Write down at least five things you’re grateful for daily.

20. Create a dream board.

21. Try something new often.

22. Stretch

23. Give to others.

24. Drink half your body weight in ounces daily.

25. Get regular massages.

26. Make time for family, friends, and significant others.

27. Take personal responsibility for yourself and your decisions.

28. Take an Epsom salt bath regularly.

29. Consume veggies daily, green primarily.

30. Be in tune with your body.

31. Compliment yourself and others.

32. Soak up Vitamin D.

33. Declutter your home and workspace by throwing away things you don’t use anymore.

34. Continuously set small and large goals.

35. Organize your finances.

36. Spend time alone regularly.

37. Remove negative individuals from your life.

38. Treat yourself.

39. Supplement correctly.

40. Don’t be afraid to consume good quality carbohydrates.

41. Don’t be afraid to consume good quality fats.

42. Set an example for others.

43. Know that consuming processed food can wreak havoc on your health.

44. Remove as many toxins as possible from your living space.

45. Understand that work is not life.

46. Minimize television time.

47. Be diligent about your NEAT.

48. Get a physical exam/biometric screening yearly.

49. Treat your skin like gold.

50. Travel.

Emily ZwillingComment