What Does Being Healthy Mean to you?

Today I went to a local business to speak at a Lunch N’ Learn. I started out by handing everyone a piece of paper and I asked them to write down what they thought it meant to healthy. Afterward, I had everyone put their responses in a mason jar and pass it around. Each person pulled a piece of paper out of the jar and read it out loud. Twenty people had a different response and guess what? Not one person was wrong. Below are some of the topics I touched on:
Activity Level.
Hormone Balance.
Gut Health.
Stress Management.
Health Markers.
Common Injury’s.
Society has instilled in us that health is specifically about what we put in our mouths and our activity level. But if it was that simple no one on this planet would be overweight or have health issues. You can’t be “on” or “off” of the wagon. There is no wagon; this is called life.
We need to look deep inside ourselves and start treating the cause, not just the symptoms.
Lunch N’ Learn catered by Fit-Flavors.

Emily Zwilling