What Are you Trying to Prove?
When it comes to procrastination, fear seems to be one of the critical feelings behind it. Fear can leave us feeling powerless and paralyzed.
As an adult, one of the dark clouds that can trigger me is the feeling of not being smart enough. As a child, I stuttered. I remember having so many thoughts but not being able to get them all out correctly. In grade school, I was separated from my class and put on a bus during English class. I remember feeling so embarrassed. I felt like something was wrong with me.
One particular day that still haunts me was the day my mom came to my high school for parent-teacher conferences. I remember my Biology teacher sitting my mom down and telling her that I was a loser and that I wouldn't amount to anything if I continued down this same path.
I had a lot of influential people in my life who drilled into my head that I would become nothing. My dreams were just that...dreams, and I didn't have what it took to be successful.
For a very long time, the belief that I was a loser, and not good enough, not smart enough held me back from doing so many things. It's a limited belief, and it took time for me to realize that I can create my own story. This was a story I couldn't bear to live with anymore. So I created a new one. Just like that!
Whatever it is that is holding you back; it's time to take a chance. It's never too late to reinvent yourself.
The greatest revenge in life is massive success. Success to me is happiness with one's self.
P.S. I still miss Harvey more than ever. Some wounds just don’t heal, and that’s okay.