Show Up
One of the wonderful things about young minds is how attainable visions and goals seem. When people ask kids, “What do you want to be when you grow up?”, you’ll see their faces light up with their aspirations. Like them, we saw our own dreams of careers, houses, relationships, etc., and we thought to ourselves: “I’m gonna have that someday when I grow up.” Then…. we grow up.
Whether or not your childhood dreams became your reality, I’m sure we can all agree that the journey isn’t always as easy as we envisioned it would be. Many of us tend to put others’ needs before our own, often causing us to lose ourselves in the process. This can lead to cycles of feeling alone or unsatisfied with life, as those childhood dreams fall to the wayside.
If you have experienced this, you are not alone, and the good news is that there is a solution:
We need to prioritize time for self-care and mental health. We need to be present, vulnerable, afraid, and allow ourselves to learn and grow from our mistakes. Our lives may not be exactly what we imagined they would be as kids, but we need to move forward with gratitude focusing on showing up to the reality that is our own.
I’m committing to showing up for myself and living my best life, who’s with me? Share some ways you are showing up for yourself in the comments below!
P.S. Thank you @jcalvanator for always showing up for me and with me!