Should I???
Lately, I’ve been reflecting quite a bit about how misleading the fitness industry can be through social media and how it effects the perception of true health among the “real” people of the world.
Society teaches us that to be fit and healthy, you should look like a fitness model, and we have bought into this notion by continuing to “follow” and find our inspiration in these people. Don’t get me wrong, we all know that sculpted bodies have a place in our marketing world. But we have to remember that for the real people of the world working full time, taking care of kids, trying to pay bills, get a work out in and struggling daily with personal issues, this sets an unrealistic standard.
The next time you find yourself not liking what you see in the mirror or comparing yourself to what you see on social media, ask yourself: Am I comparing my worst self to their best(photoshopped)self? Am I eating with self-love and respect? Do I love myself enough to feed my body what it needs? Have I made time for self-care recently? Mindset is our most powerful tool, and we all have the ability to control it. So stop beating yourself up over social media and don’t fall victim to the self-sabotage or dieting traps! I see this happening all too often in my clients, and it has to stop!
That being said, my ultimate mission is to help people all over the world achieve the REAL health and fitness they deserve. Those of you who follow me, know that over the years I have been very open and honest about my personal health and fitness journey, so you know I’m not going to hold back now! I want to expand my platform to a broader audience, so this is my question for you: Should I start a PODCAST??? Comment below🔽