For the majority of my life, I dieted on and off. I would diagnose myself as a classic yo-yo dieter. Restriction, followed by binging, was the only lifestyle I knew. Yo-yo dieting is far too frequent but is not normal. I see this in my clinical practice very often. The reason I feel I can be so helpful regarding this particular issue is that I have lived it. They say that health professionals tend to attract clients who are mirror images of themselves, and I believe this to be true.
I am thrilled to say that I have been clear from this issue for almost three years. Coming from a place of hate will always leave you unfulfilled. I would overexercise and deprive myself of certain foods, and appearance was the only thing I felt like I could control. Any of this sound familiar?
Unhealthy habits can be tough to break. I had to do quite a bit of soul searching and therapy to break the cycle. Just like anything in life, some days are much better than others. I know what triggers can put me back in that headspace. I had to remove specific triggers, including some people from my life.
I believe that you can still seek specific results, and you can do it from a place of love and respect. Yes, 90% of the time, I am picking healthier options. I do this because I enjoy feeling energized, focused, and in shape. The other 10% of the time, when I do choose wine and brownies, I don't feel any guilt, and I enjoy it!
I have to tell you that from experience when I was my unhealthiest and fifty pounds overweight, I wasn't making my health a priority, and I felt like shit mentally and physically. I didn't treat my body with kindness and love because I was making very poor decisions daily. On the flip side of that, you can also be thin and appear fit and have horrible blood markers and unhealthy habits.
So, I have one question for you. Are you happy? Truly happy? If the answer is no, I urge you to identify what is making you unhappy and seek help. The time is now to break your pattern. There are so many great health professionals out there if you need support or need to be pointed in the right direction; I am here.