Late Night Snack Attack

Do you ever catch yourself overeating once the evening hits? All day you stay on track with your nutrition, but then you come home, get those comfy clothes on, and the hunger hits hard. At first, you try to stay healthy, so you snack on one thing, but then that leads to another. Before you know it, a few hours have passed, and you’ve eaten everything in sight. This could be happening for a couple of reasons:

1.) You're dehydrated, not hungry.
2.) You’re eating because you’re feeling bored, lonely, sad or just had a rough day. I call this “eating your feelings.”
3.) You’re not eating enough throughout the day; therefore, you’re starving when you get off work.
4.) You have a Binge-Eating Disorder (BED) this is a common issue today.

If any of these apply to you, they can be fixed once acknowledged. Be sure to have a quality dinner. Add in a portion of starchy carbs to aid in your sleep. Eating late isn’t going to break you, it’s what you eat that could. If you’re eating real foods, your body will recognize them and use them to heal your body while it’s at rest. If you’re consuming processed foods, your body can’t utilize them as efficiently. Mindless snacking leads to zero quality nutrients if you want something get straight to the point and have it. Then you feel satisfied and you can move on.

I have been there; I think everyone has been there. It’s important to recognize bad habits and make a plan to correct them.

Emily Zwilling