Keep it Simple
I used to buy my dogs a full assortment of dog treats every week. One day I looked at the ingredient list and I couldn’t believe I paid money for all the crap that was in them! That same night I was in my kitchen cooking, and I took out a bag of raw carrots, and the dogs went wild. This 99 cent bag of carrots full of plant nutrients, was all that they wanted. It seemed so simple and straightforward.
When it comes to our own health, we complicate everything. Instead of asking which diet we should do for a day or a week, let’s start by recognizing what REAL food is and what it can do for us. Pinpoint your bad habits and make a plan to fix them. Don’t be scared to ask for help and guidance from a professional. Google is not going to cut it! When you have the knowledge and the tools, you can then take control of your health.
Remember, no one sticks with restrictions and complicated information. Keep it simple and direct. It is never too late to start; the time is now.