I Love My Dogs

I have always been one of those people who do things on my own terms. Not one person can easily persuade me unless it comes to šŸ·šŸ˜‚ I respect other peopleā€™s opinions when given, but at the end of the day, this is my road I am traveling on. I find it intriguing how many people on a regular basis ask me when Jim and I are going to have children. My answer is always the same...
ā€œMaybe, but right now we love our fur babies.ā€
Society doesnā€™t determine what path I should be on or what I should be doing at a certain age. I donā€™t play that ā€œshouldā€ game anymore. This is my life, and I know that I determine my outcome.
I know it can be challenging at times but donā€™t let other peopleā€™s standards of you change how you want to run your life.
When youā€™re living the life that makes you happy, you are set free.

Emily Zwilling