Are you Nourishing or Punishing Your Body?

Are you nourishing or punishing your body? From my personal experience, I am here to tell you that there is a difference. When you come from a place of guilt, shame, or comparison, it can come out as punishment. It can lead you down an unhealthy path without even realizing it. Forms of punishment can look like; deprivation, binging and overtraining. These are to name a few examples I see the most in my clinical practice.

For instance, overtraining can cause:
-Adrenal Fatigue

To clarify, I'm not talking about paid athletes; that's not in my wheelhouse, and I am not saying not to move your body in some way every single day. Some people are very in tune with their bodies and listen to it. I want to demonstrate that these issues can create some mental, emotional, and physiological health risks.

When you come from a place of nourishment, healthy habits will come more naturally to you. Things will be much simpler. When you work from the inside out, the outside will do what you've wanted to do.

Ways to nourish your body:

🍓Increase whole nutrient-dense food.
💃🏻Movement, but move your body because you want to, not because of aesthetics.
💕Spend time with people you love.
🙌🏽Get quality sleep.

Repeat after me: You're beautiful, and I love you.

Emily ZwillingComment