Vegetable Are For Rabbits
Just kidding but I got your attention right? Vegetables should be a staple at every meal. Sadly, the two most popular vegetables in America are ketchup and potatoes. Come on America don’t do this to us!
Don’t like vegetables? Usually, this is because:
1. Your parents didn’t use a lot of flavors or spices on your veggies.
2. You were forced to eat them and finish your plate.
3. You didn’t grow up eating vegetables.
Any of these sound familiar to you? You are not alone. The goods news is, the more you eat them, the more you will crave them. Try doctoring them up with different spices, seeds, olive oil, avocado oil, grass-fed butter, coconut oil or coconut aminos. Start with small portions and slowly increase the serving size. A Stir-fry is always a good place to start too.
Also, test out which vegetables you like paired with certain things. For instance, I am not a fan of cauliflower, but I love riced cauliflower paired with bbq or Asian stir-fry and fish.
Get creative! I can understand children being picky, but if you’re an adult it’s time to at least start trying!