Serving Size is Everything
There is a major difference between eating healthy versus eating healthy to get specific results. For instance, a medium-sized banana has health benefits but is still packing around 30 grams of sugar. Go ahead and pair that with two tablespoons of peanut butter and two pieces of sprouted whole wheat bread. Now you have a grand total of 530 calories. Keep in mind that in that one single meal, your carbohydrate intake is around 65 grams. Now imagine you have that for breakfast but sit at your desk all day with minimal energy output? Talk about an insulin spike!
When starting out, I always suggest weighing and/or measuring your food. This will get you accustomed to serving sizes. Also, if there is something you enjoy but have a habit of going overboard on, I recommend portioning that food item out. The one major food item I still measure to this day are nuts. I tend to start snacking on them, and before I know it, I have had numerous handfuls. Again, nuts are a healthy fat, but too much of anything can be your demise. Be sure to keep that in mind.