
We all go through internal and external hardships. By no means do I think one person’s problems are more significant than another’s. We all have feelings and take things differently when it comes to matters of the heart. But I do know that sometimes I have to have some inner dialogue with myself and remind myself what truly matters in this life.

While you are here complaining about those few pounds you need to lose or gain or that cellulite on your thighs, someone out there:

Needs to lose 100 or more pounds, how do you think they feel?
Someone is missing limbs.
Someone just lost a loved one.
Someone is addicted to drugs or alcohol.
Someone grew up without a family.
Someone is dying of cancer.
Someone is homeless.
Someone is feeling alone and depressed.

So when you catch yourself complaining about such minuscule things; and believe me I do it too, stop for a second and reflect.

Stop and be grateful.

Emily Zwilling