Facing My Fears


I recently broke through a three month period of feeling completely lost and unhappy. I read every book, listened to every podcast, it seemed like no matter what I did the feeling wouldn’t go away. I noticed I started secluding myself from others so no one would see. This was a secret I was carrying. I wasn’t burnt out, something was wrong. Every morning I hoped to wake up feeling like myself again.
I finally sat down and made a list of my fears, my unhappiness, and the things I was procrastinating on in one column and in the other column; I listed what action I could take to change them. I started admitting my feelings with people I know and trust. Just like that, the weight was lifted off of my shoulders.
I’m admitting this because social media has a tendency to show people at their very best. The truth is, it’s not glitter and rainbows and perfect lighting every day. People hurt and it’s ok to talk about it. Someone out their could be feeling the same way. When you act like you’re perfect, it just makes people feel bad about themselves and keep it all inside.
It feels so refreshing to wake up feeling like myself again. Happy, creative and most of all grateful.
#fitnessunfiltered #100to0 #realtalk#determinedwoman #happiness #grateful#redhed #mylife #human #relatable#honesty #truebeauty #truehappiness

Emily Zwilling