Be Present with Your Food
One of my main focuses this week is to slow down when it’s time to eat. I find myself always on the go and eating when I am driving and rushing to grab a few bites in between clients. When I do have some quiet time, I catch myself eating while doing work online or I am on my phone. I am never relaxed and present with my food, and it’s a habit that I want to break.
Keep in mind it takes about 25-30 minutes for your stomach to relay the message to your brain that you are full. This is why people tend to overeat when they go out. You eat until you think you’re full but then you talk, pay the check and by the time you stand up, the message hit, and you feel stuffed. Eating fast creates poor digestion, and it puts you in a high percentage for overeating. So if you’re in a similar position as I am, here is my game plan and some helpful tips for breaking this bad habit.
1.) Schedule out at least 15 minutes to eat, set a timer if necessary.
2.) Remove all distractions when eating such as your phone, computer or tv.
3.) Be present with your food and chew slowly.
4.) If you find yourself still hungry after your meal, drink some water and wait 25 minutes. If you’re still hungry, then eat more, but most of the time you will feel full.