When I first started out in the fitness industry in 2003, I worked at an all women’s gym for over five years. During that time in my life, I learned so much from all of the women that surrounded me, clients and co-workers. This is undoubtedly why women hold a special place in my heart.
It can be barely tolerable the pressure society and social media can put on us at times. The pressure to:
Have the “perfect body.” (whatever that means)
Graduate College.
Dress to impress.
Make money.
Have a thriving career.
Get married.
Have kids...the list goes on.
Did you know that women earn less-still $.77 on the make dollar(according to the Census Bureau)?
Beyond all of this, it amazes me how many times I see and hear women criticizing each other. We are so busy doing this that we miss applauding the real women out there who are setting their standards high, who are working hard and not settling for mediocrity. The women who won’t take no for an answer, who have failed time and time again and gave gotten back up without a blink of an eye.
These are the women that are truly inspiring. Inspiration is something felt and seen; it doesn’t have to be said. I want to give a big cheers to just a few of these women in my life that shine a light so bright; I try to hold on tight and not let go.